System Setup

Use this setup only if you want to install this system on a site for the first time, not an upgrade. Running this file may permanently erase any existing system tables in the database.

Database Setup

The database needs to be created on your web host before entering this information.

? Enter your database host
? Enter your database name
? Enter your database user name
? Enter your database password
? Create a prefix for your database

Web Site Details

Enter your site details. We've tried to determine your site URL and path for you.

? Enter your web site name or business name
? Enter your email address
? Enter your web site URL without the http
? Enter your web site home path
? Enter your unlock code, if you know it.

Site Directories

Enter the path (relative to the main site) of the following directories:

? Enter your includes directory (default - enc)
? Enter your action directory (default - go)
? Enter your pages directory (default - pages)
? Enter your thumbnail directory (default - images/thumbs)
? Enter your large image directory (default - images/items)
? Enter your category image directory (default - images/categories)
? Enter your general images directory (default - images)

Store Administration

Enter a user name and password for the general user to access the administration area.

? Create a general administrator user name
? Create an admin password with upper/lower case letters & numbers
? Enter the directory of your administration area

Shopping Cart

Our system uses the Mals-E shopping cart. Enter your cart details below:

? Enter the cart ID (user name) and server
? Enter the cart currency symbol and code

Master Administration

Master administrators can access any area of the site.

? Master keys are used with login details to give full site access
? Allows admin access even if the general store password is changed


Please select your time zone and date formats.

? Select your time zone
? Enter the format you wish to use for short dates.
? Enter the format you wish to use for long dates.